Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Hype and Fuff Swamp

Being the webmaster of Family Fun Cartoons with a PR of 3, I get inundated with internet marketers to purchase their products, usually software to improve my rankings, maximize SEO or get on Google's first page with my keywords.

I now have "white hat" filters on my email which helps reduce the amount of spam—but spamming is so prolific on FB and Twitter that I wonder if it is the beginning of the end for a high percentage of twitterers. The spin now falls on deaf ears as people become quite blind to any form of advert or spin or spam.

What I really need are honest SEO marketers who have a good product, who can back up their statements with facts, not 1,500 words of hype with bonuses worth millions and a worthless "Money back guarantee if not completely satisfied"  Now I would not need a guarantee if it was a good product and got results for me, would I? I would not require all those bonuses worth millions, right?

Honestly? There is only one company to date I know really worth dealing with, that would be SBI  I am not trying to sell SBI to you but this site has simple, easy-to-understand talk about the internet and especially building you own website around your passion.

Also the SBI Forum is one place on the internet where you can get help in building your site from scratch—it is a help and be helped forum—and there is no other place like it on Planet Earth for friendly, honest people. But I do not want you to take my word for it without you checking it out thoroughly.

Thank you for reading,
Jon Mumford

Bar none, these are the best small business forums in the world. And the friendliest! Come "help and be helped" at...THE Place For Friendly, Success-Focused Discussion...See if you can answer these questions, no hype, no fluff, just simple honest stuff.

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