Tuesday, February 9, 2010

What is funny depends on your viewpoint

Maybe this is how you see things and we all have our very own viewpoint of what can be funny. We often laugh at things we find strange and unusual and sometimes downright illogical. There is no really good definition of what “funny” is probably because there are many factors that come into play. Age – 6 or 60, culture – English or Chinese and time frames. Some humorous pieces do survive the ages as in Shakespeare, Mark Twain or Moliere and more. Notice that Shakespeare's romantic comedies have survived the ages and they are always funny – but not to get you rolling on the floor!

What you find funny other people may find downright ugly or bizarre.

You can oftentimes find yourself in a serious situation which gradually becomes absurd and then ridiculously funny. I was once acting in a play “The House By The Lake” by Hugh Mills and I played the main character and Stella was my sister. We plotted to murder our very unloved brother Colin – so this was a serious thriller, full of counter-plots and intrigue. After brother Colin was “murdered” we dumped him upright in a closet (during a curtain fall after act II.) Soon after the opening of the 3rd act, the door fell off (it wasn't constructed too well) and “dead” Colin came with it. The audience screamed as though it was part of the act, it wasn't. And so Colin began to laugh, then it got to a raucous laugh to almost a hysterical laugh, the audience still thought it was part of the act and also began to laugh which ended in so much noise we all began to laugh! In the end, tears began to run down Colin's face – then came the curtain call and Act III ended abruptly.

Shakespeare knew the ups and downs of life were sometimes funny as well as tragic. You do not see too often the comedians in a tragic play or movie come on scene to lighten it up! Check some of Shakespeare's final lines that are all to often taken seriously when in fact they are humorous, “Oh, now I am slain!”

If you truly want to have some fun and laughter, go to this
Kid-Friendly Website A top line resource on clean humor for young families.

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