Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Is it Possible to be Happy?

You've probably heard it often enough but it is worth reading in this context; “every human has a desire for happiness”. You can be happy most of the time, some of the time or it always seems elusive to you.

What were you doing in those wonderful moments of being happy?

It could be that split moment when a buddy told a hilarious knee-slapping joke and you forgot all the stress you were under. Then the stress kicks in and you are now no longer happy.

If you wax a smile even if you are not feeling up to it, you will almost certainly find something to smile about. And of course, if you can laugh, something will come up for you to laugh about. Try it, it works well.

You are really responsible for your own happiness, no one else. It comes from within and consequently it depends on what you have done or doing, right? If you have been complaining to your boss about another employee you don't particularly like, do you think during that time and afterwards you will be feeling happy?
It is highly unlikely you'd be feel happy unless you have a similar personality to Mr Jekyll and Mr Hyde or what is sometimes known as “bi-polar” (or what had been called “manic-depressive psychosis” by psychiatrists).

If you have a positive intention to achieve a specific goal and you have a passion for what you do, the nearer you get to achieving that goal the happier you will be. The climax will be when the goal is achieved and you'll be really happy. What then? You set up another goal and head for it.

Happiness really is having a positive attitude towards life, a bit like wearing a coat; you can either put on the coat of a happy attitude or even a nasty one. So wear the right coat and do good things for others.

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