Monday, April 19, 2010

Fashionable Denims

We visited family in California recently and were dutifully met by three grandchildren. All of them were wearing fashionable faded jeans with the eldest having shredded knees. It looked to me as if they had been rescued from the rocks along a California beach. I was informed they were the latest in jeans and "You should get a pair Grandpa with your knobbly knees."

My daughter-in-law informed me they cost a few hundred bucks at Kippy's which apparently included the jacket, also denim, frayed cuffs and faded. The sneakers were a bright pink with flashing lights like a neon sign along the soles.

The styles are obviously a throwback from the eighties where faded denims became the rage with bell bottoms and those ugly belts similar to Madonna's.  Would you believe some of those belts were over 3 inches wide and had studs embedded that would make any Harley Davidson rider proud?

The girls love their sneakers but the young boys could not give a hoot, they don't care if they have soda stains, ice cream marks or plain mud. The girls are quite the opposite. They care about the style, the fit, does it go with their "over-washed" faded and torn-fashion gear? You can get girls shoes in any color but men's styles are quite boring, all with similar designs.

As the grand-kids get older their tastes will change rapidly from faded washed-ashore jeans to something more stylish especially in their early teens when their awareness of the opposite sex becomes apparent. I guess it is making a personal statement of yourself and how you think others might think of you?

Even young kids opinions matter very much to themselves, so listen up to them here.

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