Monday, March 15, 2010

Family is the backbone of a healthy society

An individual with a sound family life of fun can provide more output in his workplace. His mind is free of tension and hence he can give hundred percent effort to the job that he has taken up.

A happy family life is a result of numerous elements. The most coveted of all is humor. A member of the family with a good sense of humor can lighten up the minds of the other members. The minds of people are drained after the long hectic hours at their workplaces.

When they return home, a funny joke could freshen them up effectively. Jokes and cartoons are a mainstay for many family people during vacations and holidays. The kids in a family essentially dwell on jokes and cartoon. For them a cartoon show of any kind is the best source of entertainment. The elderly in the family also seek entertainment in cartoons and jokes. They also dwell on songs which soothe their minds and hearts and souls.

Laughter is the best medicine to numerous diseases. The elderly and the members of the family who work at corporate firms are the ones who undergo tremendous pressure and are most prone to heart diseases like hypertension etc. Myocardial infarction or which is commonly known as heart attack is very common. People of all ages from 20 to 80 mostly suffer from heart attacks. The reason for heart attacks is tension which causes uneven fluctuations in blood flow resulting in pressure on the arterial walls which causes rupture and hence heart attack.

Laughter has been scientifically proven to soothe the blood flow rate to normal levels. There are laughter clubs where family people are encouraged to laugh at jokes cracked by people. The elderly laugh and enjoy the various notorious activities of the kids. The kids generally love their grandparents and make them laugh. The kids play various games.

Games keep the brains of people active and receptive to the environment. Family people dwell on games as their main leisure time activity during vacations and holidays. There is a lot of competition in every walk of life. When you are a kid you run towards coming first in the class, then you enter the phase where you work and earn a living, here you put up with immense pressure for a single promotion.

Amongst all this pressure and competition games could release the pressure and make the environment light. After jokes and games people can cope up with pressure more effectively.In this era of rat race what people do not realize is that even after winning the race they are still remain rats.

Keeping this face in focus people should not give away to pressure. They should not loose heart due to a single failure. They should consider the fact that failure is the stepping stone to success.

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