Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Family Fun and Games

The day is not always family fun with everyone agreeing with everyone else. Some days are stressful with Dad having enormous pressure at work, he has to get the job done no matter what. The kids are also stressed out with their schooling, they have to get their projects done on time or else there is a black mark on their record. Mom is at sixes and sevens because she has to do a balancing act with the the schools' schedule, then there is a ballet lesson for the youngest tike. In between there is shopping to do and a meeting with the book club.

The only animal not stressed on this particular day is Kiva, the dog. All he wants is a little food, maybe a few bones thrown in and time to do a little sniffing. Kiva knows when there is stress in the household, nobody is smiling or singing, there is no laughter, no playful scene with the kids or joking around. Just a rush. Now Kiva likes this in a way because the kids gulp down their breakfast and usually drop a few crumbs on the floor, then he can sniff and enjoy a tiny morsel before they all rush out the door.

Mom gets her schedule completed, picks up her daughter, manages to get most of the shopping done and the book club meet goes smoothly. She's now more relaxed and can have that latte she has been thinking about since breakfast.

The kids arrive back from their respective schools and seem very chirpy and very noisy with the intention to tell the rest of the family how their day went and the success they had with their projects. Two of them have to do their homework which they detest, they complain to mom and dad often about how boring it is and it does not seem worthwhile learning some of this stuff because they will never use it in their lives. Who wants to learn all about the anatomy of a frogs back leg? “When will I ever use that knowledge?” Dad chirps in “You might need it if you go into the medical profession.”

Homework is now completed and the fun begins. As the kids are now relaxed teasing the younger ones begins. There is raucous laughter which provokes more teasing. Then mom pipes up “Stop that will you?” and the noise abates but only slightly. Then it creeps up to it original decibel and mom ignores it as she is busy in the kitchen.

Dad is more relaxed now as the day is over as he starts playing with the kids. They enjoy dad's playfulness especially the rough on-the-floor wrestling. You might call it physical bonding. Supper is served and the entire family is relaxed, there is lovely idle chatter with a little bantering thrown in. Mom is very happy as she knows her family is relaxed and well.

Just wait until tomorrow morning when the alarm goes off!

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